Van Dusen Botanical Garden Visit.

This week I took a trip out to Vancouver to visit my sister (who recently moved there).
I visited the Van Dusen Botanical Gardens while there, hoping to see some colour after a long winter! These gardens used to be a 9 hole golf course in the middle of the city, but were converted into gardens that opened in 1975.

Even though it was late March, there was plenty of colour and things to see in the gardens.
I'd love to take another visit mid-summer sometime to see how the garden looks with the trees in leaf and perennials blooming!

Some highlights:

A lawn of crocus' in full bloom

A sweeping bank of daffodils and other spring blooming bulbs

The garden maze (I managed to find my way out!)

The rhododendrons were blooming in numerous places and colours around the gardens

Bright yellows with red in background

Japanese apricot tree in full bloom



More daffodils

The heather garden; one of the gardens with the most colour at this time of year

Downtown Vancouver, a strand of Japanese cherry trees in full bloom. So pretty!

I had a great visit and can't wait to go again!

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